Now is the time to bring peace to the internal chaos &

End your Reliance on Antihistamines.

The Pro Histamine approach is designed to help you break free from survival & symptom suppression so you can finally resolve your issues at the root and experience long-term, holistic wellness.

Antihistamines Out, Pro Histamine In: Cultivating Lasting Wellness

This short-term relief keeps us in an endless cycle of flares. This, sometimes hopeless, loop extracts a hefty toll – not just monetarily but draining our time, energy, resources, relationships, and overall quality of life. Relying on short-term solutions masks potential long-term consequences, escalating into serious conditions like Histamine Intolerance, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Chronic Urticaria, Autoimmune Diseases, or many other chronic conditions.

It's time to pivot from this endless loop, choosing genuine healing and prioritizing lasting relief and wellness. If you're here, consider it a sign; the choice is yours. Are you ready?

Histamine is the 'Canary in the Coal Mine'

Historically, miners brought canaries into mines as an early warning system for lethal carbon monoxide levels. Similarly, histamine serves as your body's vigilant messenger. When it signals discomfort or allergy-like symptoms, it's akin to the canary's fading song – a clear indicator of trouble.

Now, picture miners choosing to ignore the canary's silence, risking deadly consequences. This parallels the danger of antihistamines – muting alerts by suppressing symptoms, allowing issues to escalate. Like the canary's well-being for miners, addressing histamine imbalances is vital for your body's balance and overall health.

What Exactly is This Pro-Histamine Thing About?

The Pro Histamine concept initially started as a playful jab at our reliance on antihistamines, playfully nudging us toward the value of a holistic, integrative approach. Yet, as time and research unfolded, the mission revealed itself to be more profound than we initially thought.

The goal is to help people PIVOT their perception of histamine in order to:

Understand Histamine's Role

Recognizing histamine as a vital component in the body's defense and regulatory mechanisms, acknowledging its role beyond just causing symptoms.

Explore Root Causes

Identifying and mitigating the underlying factors contributing to elevated histamine levels, specifically in the twelve stressor categories that contribute to your Total Stressor Load.

Balance Mind, Body, & Spirit

Choosing proactive measures that go beyond immediate relief, focusing on
a holistic approach that considers the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit to promote overall well-being.

What can I do to take a more Pro-Histamine approach?

Discover the Hidden Stressors Behind your Symptoms

This Root Cause Roadmap is the culmination of years of research as well as personal and professional experience in helping many people take powerful steps to uncovering and mitigating their unique roots of chronic illness and disease.

What started out as a mission to identify all of the root causes related to Histamine Intolerance and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, turned out to uncover what is at the root of all diseases. It will likely challenge your thinking as it helps to inspire your own personal research to uncover what is weighing you down physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Ever wonder why you were destined to be a histamine hater?

The Antihistamine Market was valued at US$263.9 Billion Globally in 2022

That's a lot of reasons to keep the standards of care as is, even though millions are suffering from allergies, chronic hives, headaches, diarrhea, autoimmune issues, and dozens of other conditions with a connection to histamine.

Perhaps it is time for a pivot on our approach to suppressing symptoms connected to histamine and mast cells?

Breaking Free from Isolation: Uniting a Global Community

I empathize with the often lonely and overwhelming healing journey, compounded by doctors' struggles to assist. The reassuring truth: you're not alone. Globally, millions face similar challenges, deciphering histamine's complex impact on well-being. To those on this journey, know you're part of a vast community navigating uncharted waters. Let the numbers speak, echoing shared experiences of millions like you, all on a quest for understanding, support, and a pathway to wellness.


People Annually in USA that require emergency care for allergic reactions to food.


People are Researching Histamine Intolerance Monthly via search efforts


of the General Population is estimated to be affected by Mast Cell Disorders


Potential People Impacted by Mast Cell Issues in the United States Alone!

It's Time to Make an Intentional, Conscious and Empowered Change.

"Here we go. Pivot. Pivot! Pivot! Pi-vot. Pi-vot. Pi-vot!"

Everything you need in one place to pivot and

Leave your Histamine Hating Days Behind You.

The Pro Histamine Pivot is a self guided course designed to transform your perspective of histamine and your body, shifting the narrative from control to collaboration. Designed for anyone with Histamine or Mast cell related issues, Its mission is to empower individuals to embrace their bodies as resilient partners in the journey to holistic well-being. 

Designed to empower, the program grants access to essential information for navigating histamine issues across mental, physical, and emotional levels. It ensures ease of understanding while offering actionable steps, complete with supporting tools and resources.

Not Ready to Commit Just Yet? Enjoy These Free Resources!

Hi, I am Monique Lauria!

A former stress-ball turned centered, stress & wellness coach.

As a 1/3 Projector (think Investigator/Truth Maven in human design), I'm on a mission to unravel the mysteries of stress and its impact on the body. With my histamine healing experience thrown into the mix, I make for a pretty incredible teammate.

I’m here to help you stop living in survival mode. Because let’s be honest: if a symptom suppression strategy worked, it would have worked by now.

You’ve been struggling to stop the unrelenting, uncomfortable, and embarrassing symptoms all while trying to juggle the stress of everyday life, and you’re 'effing tired of it all. ME TOO. 

I became the best version of myself, and you can too.

Our Clients are the Heartbeat of our Business

These are just some words that share the authentic experiences and successes of those who have walked the path before. In the words of our clients, discover stories of resilience, achievement, and the unique ways our solutions have not only met but exceeded their expectations.

The Pro Histamine Pivot is a creation of Monique Lauria and Stressology LLC

Copyright© 2023 Stressology, LLC All Rights Reserved.